Standardizing the cleaning process in a gamified way.

My Role

Lead product designer
UX/UI designer


The new Chore Assistant’s App was created as an integral solution to monitor the company’s cleaners, assist them in the process, reward them and, as a result, reduce employee turnover.

The Problem

As part of the growth rate we had after launching our new service, we started struggling with the standardization of the cleaning times. We would face constant issues on site, and the quality of the cleaning would vary from one cleaner to another.

Finally, as the pressure on the employers grew, so did the employee turnover.


We decided to research and understand the root of the problem to create a solution for managers and cleaners.

We conducted personal interviews to understand the cleaner’s POV. We also recorded them on-site performing a cleaning.

We created a User Persona based on the gathered information.

CAROLINE WEBBER / 22 years old actress

“I want my job to be flexible and not stressful. I already got a lot of pressure from castings and shootings. Although I’m not an experienced cleaner, I’m doing my best, and I want to be recognized and motivated for my hard work. “

Caroline is an aspiring artist. She studied at Vanarts Acting School, and it’s been a year since she graduated. While she applies to castings and waits for her debut in TV shows and movies, she works at a cleaning company that allows her to have schedule flexibility (if she has a film shooting) and allows her economic freedom to continue pursuing her dreams.

Doing a Cleaning

  • When she goes to cleaning, she is stressed before even starting. She has to remember all the cleanings details, items she has to pack and cleaning instructions. She always expected the cleaning to be physically demanding but is also mentally exhausting.
  • She enjoys being in a team on-site; she enjoys collaboration and making the job fun with others. However, she doesn’t like being blamed if the cleaning takes more time, even if it is not her fault, but she will never be a snitch.
  • Reporting issues at the cleaning is messy; all the messages get lost on Whatsapp and make her lose time.
  • In the beginning, she used to do her best, but since saving time wouldn’t be recognized and taking more time would allow her to get extra paid hours, she became slower.
About Caroline

Caroline is an aspiring artist. She studied at Vanarts Acting School, and it’s been a year since she graduated. While she applies to castings and waits for her debut in TV shows and movies, she works at a cleaning company that allows her to have schedule flexibility (if she has a film shooting) and allows her economic freedom to continue pursuing her dreams.

Doing a cleaning
  • When she goes to cleaning, she is stressed before even starting. She has to remember all the cleanings details, items she has to pack and cleaning instructions. She always expected the cleaning to be physically demanding but is also mentally exhausting.
  • She enjoys being in a team on-site; she enjoys collaboration and making the job fun with others. However, she doesn’t like being blamed if the cleaning takes more time, even if it is not her fault, but she will never be a snitch.
  • Reporting issues at the cleaning is messy; all the messages get lost on Whatsapp and make her lose time.
  • In the beginning, she used to do her best, but since saving time wouldn’t be recognized and taking more time would allow her to get extra paid hours, she became slower.

Design Process

How might we…

Standardize times for a cleaning?

Reward cleaners for their hard work?

Assist cleaners and reduce their stress level when on-site?

I led several brainstorming sessions with the management team and our leading cleaners.

First, we used post-its to list the main features we wanted to have in the app, then we discussed and chose the priorities for both management and the cleaners.

Together we made a basic wireframe of what the app would look like.

We defined that the three main features would be:


Help cleaners remember the steps and process without going to an external app.


Register times, get an average per room for cleaner’s reference and give them a visual cue of their time management. 


Have a reward system based on times and number of cleanings.

Doing an MVP for testing

Since we knew that the app development would take several months, we decided to do an MVP to validate our features and start tracking results:

We developed a Manual Gamification System. We made a videogame-like profile, we pasted them at the office entrance and asked the cleaners to fill it daily at the end of the shift.

We designed a simple “Time Sheet” so cleaners would start registering their times, and we could get an average before releasing the app. We also printed Packing Lists and pasted them in the supplies room. 

App Wireframes

We designed the Chore Assistant’s App on Figma and Adobe XD. We worked on both the Cleaner App and the Control Center App for management.

The Solution

The Chore Assistant's App is a tool made for cleaners to be more efficient, accountable, and transparent on their times. This app also allows them to be rewarded for their effort and visually track their company growth, reducing employee turnover.

Cleaning Details

Cleans can be viewed on the calendar tab. All the information needed for the clean, including a list of supplies and the realtor's contact number, is always at hand.

Time Tracking

Cleaners will be able to select the room they want to clean and track their time with the stopwatch provided.
They will see the overall progress of the clean to push together as a team and finish on time.


Cleaners now can easily report any issue without the need to change apps. Chats are divided by cleans for easy tracking and future evaluations.

Management App

Management will have their own version of the app to monitor cleanings and assist cleaners.

Color coding will help knowing when a cleaner is running behind or is having an issue.


Cleaners can now get instant gratification by earning points and leveling up at the end of a clean.
Realtors' evaluations give stars; cleaners get points for the number of days working, the number of cleans done, the number of tips received, and the time saved on each clean.

The Results


Fewer problems on site

Thanks to the supplies and cleaning lists, cleaners avoided common mistakes when doing their job. Also, reports were easier to track and solve on time.


Less Overtime

Having to be accountable with their cleaning times, the cleaners were more responsible and performed better.


More retention

Cleaners now are recognized with constant rewards and appreciation of their hard work, and 28% more decided to stay and grow in the company.

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